Exciting Times
Yesterday, I had either:
a. A very exciting realization
– OR –
b. A very troubling epiphany
Maybe some combination of both… We have 1 month(!) to launch. Eeeek…
As much progress has been made in the previous months, just as much remains before Dec 12th. While the sheer amount of work seems daunting, I am encouraged by how our Genesis partners are pulling together and forging ahead to see this happen – to make this God given vision a reality.
I’m sitting in a living room some 400 miles from home with our GKidz Team. They’re huddled around a dining room table pounding out the details for the next 6 months. Working with the kid’s pastor of a sister church and receiving training, insight, and materials to aid us reach our goal. In the morning we’ll visit another mobile church and see how they handle an army of volunteers and the task of setting up ‘church’ from week to week.
But that first week, when we can say ‘Welcome to Genesis Church’ and we start to see people far from God experience a new beginning, all the effort will be worth it. We hope to see you there…